Summertime, Summertime!

Hey, Parents! We are getting so close to the start of our summer program! I can't wait- it's going to be great. There are a few things that we need to be ready for summer, so check the blog at least weekly to get updates and new info. I'll post everything here- just bookmark the URL on your computer and check it out! I feel it's a fast and easy way to keep in touch.
Our first field trip is Friday, June 18th, and we'll be going to a horse ranch. The owners of the ranch have asked that students bring a helmet to ride the horses, as they don't have enough to go around. So, have your child bring a picnic lunch and their bike helmet on JUNE 18th.
We need your child to bring a few items from home to complete a few projects we will be doing this summer. Most of the items you already have around the house… here is the list:
*a recent picture of themselves
*a small cardboard box- about the size of a shoebox (also, if your child has any items they have collected from the beach, these would be great to bring as well)
* a clear glass or plastic container for a terrarium
*old magazines
* a journal
*a white T shirt or socks to tie-dye
*a water bottle for daily use
*a pedometer (optional, but cheap @ walmart)

Also, if you would like to donate any materials for the program, a list of needed items can be found in the classroom. Just ask me for one!
If you have any questions, let me know!
*Miss Kate


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